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Shelf life: Up to +5 times

Organoleptic and nutritional qualities 100% preserved

Compliance with export regulations

Guaranteed brand protection

Product features:

In the case of gastronomy products - ready to eat and ready to cook - HPP enables a very effective microbial reduction, while extending the shelf life (45 days and more). The technology also eliminates the risk of contamination due to the handling and packaging phase, thus improving the safety of the entire production chain. Thanks to HPP, the organoleptic and nutritional characteristics remain perfectly intact and, having the possibility of avoiding heat treatments and the use of preservatives, it is possible to guarantee the product a high level of quality and a high service content.

What are the applications of HPP for gastronomy products?

• Appetizers

• First courses and second courses

• Various side dishes

• Ready to eat & ready to cook

• Semi-prepared for Ho.Re.Ca.

• Sauces and gravies

• Creams and soups

• IV and V range

• Fresh pasta and fillings

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